Village of Brainard Board of Trustees
- Joel Vrbka, Chairman of the Board
- Jeff Karber, Board of Trustee
- Randy Robeson, Board of Trustee
- Tom Pesek, Board of Trustee
- Steve Hummel, Board of Trustee
The Village Board of Trustees meet on the third Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall located at 111 East Washington Street Brainard, NE. If you have a specific topic item you would like the Village of Brainard Board of Trustees to discuss, submit a Request for Future Agenda Items.
Village of Brainard Staff
Cory Burtman, Utilities Superintendent, 402-803-9218
Carla Sander, Village Treasurer, 402-545-2701
Yolanda Bailey, Village Clerk, 402-545-2701
The Village of Brainard
Board of Trustees Board Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2025
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Brainard held a regular meeting on January 21, 2025 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. The meeting notice and agenda were posted at three public places: City Hall, the Community Bulletin Board, and the Brainard Post Office. The agenda is kept current at the City Clerk’s Office and available for public inspection. This method is designated by the public body.
Chair Vrbka called the meeting to order.
Roll Call: present: Joel Vrbka, Steve Hummel, Jeff Karber, Tom Pesek, and Randy Robeson.
Staff Present: Treasurer Sander, and Maintenance Supervisor Janak
Guests included: Brian Foral, Elaine Fortik, Kirstin Bailey, Valerie Vandenberg, Annette Snyder, Dave Foral, Clint Clemon, Ron Jecha, and Levi Lowell.
Public Comments:
- 4. Business:
- a. Consider bids for pool renovation concept w/Valerie Vandenberg & Kirstin Bailey.
- Discussion with Vandenberg and Bailey on the three concept bids the pool committee reviewed. It was decided to go with Water’s Edge because of price, location of company, and experience. Vandenberg reports the pool committee has raised $7,700 since the beginning of December and the account total is a little over $12,000. They still have to raise another $2,264 before they qualify for the Butler County Area Foundation grant for $5,000. The total pool project will take up to five years, with costs upwards of two million dollars. This is just the beginning of the planning, and will give us a picture of all the options. Vandenberg reports on fundraising by the third graders, with matching funds by Tiger’s Parents.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to accept Water’s Edge bid for conditions assessment, development of concept plans, and a final report for the pool renovation for $9,300 seconded by Trustee Robeson.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
b. Discuss 308 N Lincoln Street with the property owner.
Property owner reports on work he did for the Village Maintenance dept. in the past, including digging and burying water lines, which he was never paid for.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to waive the remaining balance on the resident’s account, $816.46, in lieu of the unpaid labor he provided in the past, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
- c. Consider zoning permit application at 216 N Lincoln Street.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to approve zoning permit for 216 N Lincoln St, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
- d. Consider bids for Crack sealing & Armor coating on village streets.
- Discussion with Levi Lovell from Midwest Armor Coating, and Dan Osborne from Midwest Coatings Company Inc., on bids for Crack Sealing and Armor Coating for the upcoming 2025 season. It was decided to go with the bid from Midwest Coatings Co., Inc, because of price and experience.
Motion made by Trustee Karber to accept bid from Midwest Coatings Company Inc. for $55,300, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
- e. Consider tree work bid from Gavin Hobson.
- Discussion on trees being removed by the school. Gavin Hobson was cutting trees there, but Trustee Vrbka asked him to stop due to distracting the students. As well, there was discussion on Hobson’s previous bid and how the drainage project had not been finalized when we got his bid. The current bid for removing 15 trees plus removing stumps in front of and near the school is for $21,750. This should be given to the school for consideration, as they have agreed to pay half for the drainage project.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to accept half of the amount of the Gavin Hobson $21,750 bid ($10,875) pending East Butler approval, for tree removal around the school, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
f. Consider creating Ordinance for construction of physical improvements in right-of-way.
- It was decided to write a letter to the business owner at 103 S Madison St. Informing them that their camera should be removed from the Village pole, and that there would be no Ordinance created for construction of physical improvements in right-of-way at this time.
h. Appoint Mitchell Janak as Utility Superintendent.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to appoint Mitchell Janak as Utility Superintendent at a minimum of 1300 hours per year with full benefits, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
- i. Approve JEO’s engineer agreement for drainage project.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to accept the amendment to owner/engineer agreement with JEO for the Brainard Drainage Improvement agreement, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
- j. Consider JEO’s agreement for survey & design of a handicap ramp at City Hall.
- Discussion surrounds JEO bid for handicap ramp, and it was decided it was too expensive to consider right now. Research will be done on an alternative like a doorbell, or doing the ramp our self.
- k. Consider adding illegal-dumping fee: Fee Resolution # 2025-01.
- It was decided to table this until the next meeting.
- l. Review and approve the Lower Platte South NRD Hazard Mitigation Plan.
- Discussion on the plan includes concerns on the drought section, reporting high nitrates in the water. It was decided to go over it for more changes, submit water samples to prove low nitrates in town and other changes to Brook Seachord at JEO before February 1, 2025, and report at next meeting. Further discussion on the need for a generator for the Fire Hall. Spark Electric will put a bid together.
- m. Consider mail box requests from residents.
- Christie, from the David City Post Office, called and reported there were some residents on north Lincoln Street that are wanting home delivery of their mail, with a Rural Route Mailbox. The postal service would want these on the east side of the street if allowed. Trustee Vrbka spoke with attorney, who said the Village can either allow it or not. It was decided not to allow it due to: problems with snow removal; diminished structural integrity of the street in the area; and the Liability issue if too many residents begin to request the boxes.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to not allow new postal boxes on Lincoln Street due to: problems with snow removal; diminished structural integrity of the street in the area; and the Liability issue if too many residents begin to request the boxes, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
5. Approve minutes for regular and reorganizational meetings December 16, 2024
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to approve the December 16, 2024 minutes, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Hummel, Vrbka, Karber, and Pesek..
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
6. Consider January claims.
Discussion on Gavin Hobson tree bid for $14,725. The trustees would like to add this to the claims, after Mitchell has a chance to verify the work has been done. It is understood there are still four stumps to grind and five trees to cut to satisfy the previous bid. As well, the Evergreen Park tree should be half the price he quoted, because the stump was not cut down.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to approve the January claims- plus the Hobson bid for $14,725-minus Spark Electric, seconded by Trustee Vbrka.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Vrbka, Robeson, and Hummel.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to approve the Spark Electric claim, seconded by Trustee Robeson.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Vrbka, Robeson, and Hummel.
Voting nay: none
- The motion carried.
- g. Discuss Mitchell Janak’s returning to full time status & benefits. Consult handbook for procedures.
- It was decided to talk about this in Executive Session.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to go into Executive Session @ 8:59 PM for an employee matter, seconded by Trustee Pesek.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Vrbka, Robeson, and Hummel.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to come out of Executive Session @ 9:18 PM for an employee matter, seconded by Trustee Robeson.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Vrbka, Robeson, and Hummel.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
7. Committee Reports.
Trustee Vrbka reports he will be getting together with pool inspector soon. Trustee Karber would like to start advertising for lifeguards soon. The Board would like to see ads posted on Facebook, at the school, at the Post Office, and around town ASAP. Trustee Karber would like to discuss repairing sidewalks. It was decided to start researching grant opportunities. The Trustees are wondering if there is any update from JEO on the water project. Trustee Vrbka will reach out to Dane Simonsen.
Utility Superintendent Janak reports on sewer issues at the school. While cleaning the grease traps under the school, it appeared the pipes might have shifted. Discussion on having another company come and do more camera work. Discussion on digging up some man-holes and installing risers, so we can jet-out the mains. It was decided that Trustee Hummel will call Todd Wright and see if that other company can come camera the lines further.
8. Employee Reports.
January Clerk Report: Yolanda Bailey
Letters were sent inquiring on serving boards:
Planning Comm; D. Streubing, yes — D. Robeson____ – R. Sullivan____
Tree Comm; Kevin Behne, yes, Greg Havlovic yes- Bill Perk yes (need one more)
Health Board; D. Struebing yes, M. Bohuslavsky yes
Letter was sent to 3081 T Road regarding loose dogs.
I asked the League of Municipalities about board retreats. You can have them, but they are considered public meetings. You will need to provide an Agenda, notice, etc.
I am passing around a picture that came to us from a family connection in Omaha. It is the Brainard Fire Men of 1925. My family had it enlarged, and is donating a copy to City Hall and the Fire Department.
Finally, my hand will be in a cast for three weeks, but we are getting things done with the help of Casey Bailey.
January Treasurer Report:
1. A fiscal year profit and loss report has been provided. Positive projections in all classes, except sewer due to the sewer bond payment paid out in January.
2. The bank account balance report is provided in the Board packets. An increase of $38,623.27 in bank deposits since December is reported. A CD has not been set up yet at First Nebraska Bank, due to the chair & treasurers scheduling. First Nebraska Bank has a 4.01%, 18 month CD. See balance sheet for breakdown on how to fund a $200,000 CD.
3. A December employee pay report is provided in the Board reports.
4. Collection Report- 16 overdue utility bills, 2 less than in December. Shut offs went out 1/15/25, shut offs will be due on 1/29/25, therefore, Shut offs will take place on 1/30/25. There is 2 past due accounts where utilities are off and no reconnection fees paid.
5. a. The pool committee met on 1/13/25. A pool report was provided from January 24-December 24 2024 and December 1- January 20, 2025, as requested by the committee.
b. A annual pool report has been provided to the board in the packets.
6. The Village auditor Randy Hood from Lengemann & Assoc. will at City Hall on January 24 to conduct the annual village audit.
Maintenance Report: Mitch Janak.
- Utilities Supervisor Janak reports the Village pickup truck needs repair. It needs multiple repairs totaling $9,508.22. Discussion on trading it in. The truck is 19 years old. It was decided that Mitch would look around for a replacement and get back to the Board next month. If it is not a government vendor, the new truck will have to be put out for bid if it’s over $30K.
- Janak reports the ambulance is needing a part and CTF has ordered it, but it is taking awhile to get it. It will cost $1,500 – $2,000. The Village is using an ambulance from Rising City until ours gets fixed. The new ambulance may be coming in March or April. Further discussion on selling the old ambulance, after the new one arrives.
9. Petitions, Communications, Correspondence.
Discussion on a light that was mounted on a tree by the Legion, to light the monument. It was decided that Trustee Pesek will come up with an alternative, and take it down.
10. Additional Business/Items for next meeting.
Discussion on the next Trustee meeting which will be held on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 due to the President’s Day holiday.
11. Adjournment.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to adjourn at 10:00 pm, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Pesek, Hummel, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.