Village of Brainard Board of Trustees
- Joel Vrbka, Chairman of the Board
- Jeff Karber, Board of Trustee
- Randy Robeson, Board of Trustee
- Tom Pesek, Board of Trustee
- Steve Hummel, Board of Trustee
The Village Board of Trustees meet on the third Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall located at 111 East Washington Street Brainard, NE. If you have a specific topic item you would like the Village of Brainard Board of Trustees to discuss, submit a Request for Future Agenda Items.
Village of Brainard Staff
Cory Burtman, Utilities Superintendent, 402-803-9218
Carla Sander, Village Treasurer, 402-545-2701
Yolanda Bailey, Village Clerk, 402-545-2701
The Village of Brainard
Board of Trustees Board Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2024
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Brainard held a regular meeting on December 16, 2024 at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. The meeting notice and agenda were posted at three public places: City Hall, the Community Bulletin Board, and the Brainard Post Office. The agenda is kept current at the City Clerk’s Office and available for public inspection. This method is designated by the public body.
Chair Vrbka called the meeting to order.
Roll Call: present: Joel Vrbka, Steve Hummel, Jeff Karber, Tom Pesek, and Randy Robeson.
Staff Present: Clerk Bailey, Treasurer Sander, and Maintenance Supervisor Burtman.
Guests included: Brian Foral, Elaine Fortik, Kirstin Bailey, Valerie Vandenberg, and Norm Bruner.
Public Comments:
Valerie Vandenberg and Kirstin Bailey report on the Pool Reno Fundraiser of December 8, 2024: The Holiday Tour of Homes. They report they brought in over $1,000 from this fundraiser, and there were 26 participants. The first week of December there was a letter sent out to the general public as a fundraiser for the pool. There should be funds coming in from that mailing. Chairman Vrbka would like the Treasurer to keep a running total of the Pool Reno donations for the meeting every month. The Butler County Area Foundation has approved a $5,000 grant for the pool. The stipulation is there has to be $10,000 in matching funds from the Village. With the donations that have come in, they should be pretty close to that. This will be presented at the BCAF Banquet on the 25th of January, 2025, and they would like a couple of representatives in attendance for this presentation. This notice should be put into the Clipper, so folks will know that matching funds are needed and it might inspire them to donate. Kent Clymer is the head of the foundation, and he called Valerie and said he wants to continue to work with the town of Brainard on this project, and this is just a start of support for the project – and is specified to be for the engineering fees – but he plans to continue working with the Village on this. They are working on getting a 3rd bid from Caruthers Construction, who are planning to reach-out to Olsson’s for pictures and specs to put that bid together. They will then have 3 bids, and can begin to choose which company to go with.
- 4. Business:
- a. Consider East Butler School Agreement for drainage project.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Approve the Cost Sharing Agreement with East Butler Public School regarding the drainage issue, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Hummel, Karber, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
- b. Truck Route Resolution 2024-09 documenting the established truck route in Brainard.
There were a few corrections pointed out for the Clerk to change.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to approve Resolution 2024-09-establishing a Truck Route, seconded by Trustee Vrbka.
Voting aye: Karber, Hummel, Robeson, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
c. Parking Resolution 2024-10 detailing no truck-parking on residential streets
Discussion on the Resolution, and the fee associated with towing a non-compliant vehicle; which is cost-of-towing + $100. Discussion on what should happen next regarding the Truck parking on Barbara Street, and it was decided to look at the associated Ordinance before deciding what to do about that.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Accept Resolution 2024-10, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Karber, Hummel, Robeson, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
d. Approve Fee Resolution 2024-08, adding fees for credit card transactions, returned checks, copying fees, and illegal parking/towing.
Discussion on various fees turns to dogs-at-large in the community. It was decided to write a letter to the residents at 3081 T Road regarding their two dogs running loose through town.
Motion made by Trustee Karber to Approve Fee Resolution 2024-08, seconded by Trustee Pesek.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Hummel, Robeson, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
e. Approve Fireworks Ordinance #319
This Ordinance is regarding changes to the Village Fireworks Ordinance – to include a Fireworks Vendor Permit, to change the location to Private Property, and to set times that the Fireworks Stand can be open during the week of July 4th.
Motion made by Trustee Hummel to Introduce Ordinance #319, seconded by Trustee Robeson.
Voting aye: Hummel, Robeson, Karber, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
Chairman Reads the Ordinance
Motion made by Trustee Karber to accept the 1st reading of Ordinance #319, and waive the 2nd and 3rd readings, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Karber, Hummel, Robeson, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to Adopt Ordinance #319, seconded by Trustee Robeson.
Voting aye: Vrbka, Robeson, Karber, Hummel, and Pesek.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
f. Approve Fireworks Vendor Permit & Vendor Letter
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Approve the Fireworks Vendor Permit and the Vendor Letter, seconded by Trustee Vrbka.
Voting aye: Robeson, Vrbka, Karber, Hummel, and Pesek.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
5. Approve minutes for November 18, 2024.
A few corrections were pointed out.
Motion made by Trustee Karber to Approve November Minutes, seconded by Trustee Pesek.
Voting aye: Karber, Pesek, Vrbka, Hummel, and Robeson.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
6. Consider December claims.
Discussion on adding a Claim from LLLL Construction Group for $970.00, for boring under the street on Garfield St.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Accept Claims with the addition of $970 to LLLL Construction Group, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Karber, Hummel, Robeson, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
7. Committee Reports.
Trustee Vrbka reports that Topkote sent us a letter saying the owner is going to retire. It was decided to ask Topkote who they would recommend, and do some research on who does this kind of work. Vrbka is obtaining a contract from Grassroots for working on the City Parks. Trustee Hummel had a truck driver who was asking if the Village could trim trees on South Cleveland St., both sides of the road, as branches are hitting his truck.
8. Employee Reports
December Clerk Report – Yolanda Bailey
The Village donated items to help with the Pool Renovation Holiday Letter: 4 rolls stamps, 400 color copies, and approx. 400 envelopes; amounting to a donation of approx. $450.00
Sharon Bruner has been writing letters to the kids from Santa for the Village – for over 30 years, and she is looking for someone to take over. I volunteered to learn what she does and do it – at least until we find a new volunteer. She was very appreciative and will come in next week to show us the ropes. I am wondering if this can be taken on by the Village as an annual task.
I FINALLY obtained our 12 digit UEI number from! To say the process was egregious is an understatement. Thankfully, Deb Solie, from the Center for Rural Affairs helped us to get through the process. They asked for a statement about the experience and I have attached my email to them so you can see what it was like.
For the last week or so, I have been having Casey come in and work on our filing project. We have been wanting to inventory all the items in the safe, and he is almost finished with that. We have a list of all the files in the cabinets now, and we can begin to work on the system to improve efficiency and organization.
After we inventory the files and cabinets, I propose we inventory our Resolutions and Ordinances – as we don’t always know what has been tackled in the past.
Case in Point: We were looking for a Truck Route Resolution in the file – and didn’t find it. However, we found this: Resolution No. 10-2011-01: A Resolution designating a parking restriction for the area in front of East Butler School. This Resolution says there should be NO PARKING for the entire block on the west side of Madison – except for Handicapped parking south of the entrance, and a Visitor Parking and drop off area to the north of the entrance. This was because of storm-water drainage problems. Lately we have been discussing putting something like this into place – but it already is a current Resolution.
It was decided that the Santa Letters could be generated by the Village in the future, and the Clerk can look for volunteers each year if necessary. It was also decided the Clerk could send a copy of the Parking Resolution from 2011 to the school and remind them of the parking rules there.
December Treasurer Report:
1. An annual profit and loss report has been provided. Positive projections in the following classes, electric, garbage, general, park & rec. water & street. Down in sewer.
2. The bank account balance report is provided in the Board packets. A decrease of $11,502.47 in bank deposits since November is reported. An increase of $89,525.58 from December 11, 2023. A CD has not been set up yet at First Nebraska Bank, due to the chair & treasurers scheduling.
3. An Annual employee pay report is provided in the Board reports
4. Collection Report- 16 overdue utility bills, 8 less than in November. Shut offs went out today, shut offs will be due on 12/27, therefore, Shut offs will take place on 12/30. There is 2 past due accounts where utilities are off and no reconnection fees paid.
5. Credit Bureau Services is cancelling our contract due to inactivity. This is a collection agency who the village contracted through the prior clerk and village has not needed this service.
Maintenance Report: Cory Burtman
Midwest Armor Coat got in contact with Cory, they came to look at the streets and will give him a bid for concrete sealing all the city streets. They like to do the Crack-seal this time of year, as all the cracks are open. We will look at the quote when it comes in. It was decided to look up the old invoices from TopKote and have the info ready to review.
All the Christmas decorations are up. The concrete that was poured has the blankets off and should be cured by Thursday. The person we hired for tree work still has not shown up to work. He says he will be here a certain day, but does not actually show up. The equipment has been serviced and is good to go for the winter. Burtman was looking through the Rural Water Magazine, and he noticed an ad for a Lift Station Agitator – offering a chemical-free solution to a common problem—grease buildup. Traditional chemical treatments are expensive and raise environmental concerns, buy HydraForce offers a breakthrough alternative. Lately Burtman tried some new degreaser, and it worked very well, but was very expensive. He has a call into Kasco to get a quote on the HydraForce system. There was a load of concrete dumped at the tree-dump last week. Burtman wants to have it hauled away and send a bill to the perpetrator. It was discussed that the person who dumped it could also be told to come remove it. There is a sign that is supposed to be there that says “trees only”, but apparently it keeps getting knocked over. Discussion surrounds getting a new sign made – a bigger sign. Trustee Robeson suggests we write a letter to the concrete-dumper, and order a new sign for the dump. Trustee Vrbka will contact Jim Angel and order the sign.
Superintendent Burtman announces he has taken a new job, and his last day will be January 3, 2025. The Board is sorry to see him go, but offers their congratulations on his new career path.
9. Adjourn Board Sine Die.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to adjourn at 8:10 pm, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Karber, Hummel, Robeson, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
- —————-
1. Roll Call
Chair Vrbka called the meeting to order.
Roll Call: present: Joel Vrbka, Steve Hummel, Jeff Karber, Tom Pesek, and Randy Robeson.
Staff Present: Clerk Bailey, Treasurer Sander, and Maintenance Supervisor Burtman.
Guests included: Brian Foral, Elaine Fortik, and Norman Bruner.
2. Oaths of Office: Randy Robeson and Steve Hummel.
Trustees Robeson and Hummel recite and sign their Oaths of Office.
3. Elect Chair Pro Tempore – by vote of the Board.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to elect Clerk Bailey Chair Pro Tempore, seconded by Trustee Pesek.
Voting aye: Vrbka, Pesek, Karber, Hummel, and Robeson.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
4. Elect Chair of the Village Board for 2025.
Chair Pro Tempore Bailey asks for nominations for the Chairman of the Board for 2025.
The Board agrees Joel Vrbka does an outstanding job as Chairman, and would like him to serve another year.
Motion made by Trustee Hummel to nominate Joel Vrbka for Chairman of the Board for 2025, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Hummel, Karber, Robeson, and Pesek.
Trustee Vrbka abstains.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
5. Chair makes recommendations for appointive offices for 2025: Clerk, Treasurer, and Utilities Superintendent.
Chairman Vrbka appoints Yolanda Bailey as Clerk, and Carla Sander as Treasurer. Chairman Vrbka reports that our part-time Utility worker, Mitch Janak, is interested in stepping into the Utility Superintendent position, but would like to meet with the Board to discuss details. This will be arranged, and he will be Interim Maintenance Superintendent in the meantime.
6. Consider appointment of JEO for Village Engineers (Scope of Service).
Chairman Vrbka appoints JEO as Village engineers.
7. Consider Signing Resolution 2024-11 and appointment of Steve Parr for Street Superintendent.
Chairman Vrbka appoints Steve Parr from JEO Consulting Group as our Street Superintendent.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Accept Signing Resolution 2024-11, and appoint Steve Parr from JEO Consulting Group as our Street Superintendent, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Hummel, Pesek, Karber, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
8. Consider appointment of Building Inspector and Animal Control Officer, and Nuisance Hearing Officer.
Chairman Vrbka appoints Mitchell Janak as Building Inspector and Animal Control Officer.
Chairman Vrbka appoints Randy Robeson as Nuisance Hearing Officer.
9. Consider appointments of Board of Health, Tree Board and Planning Commission.
Chairman Vrbka would like the current members of the above groups to be sent a letter asking them if they want to continue serving. Norman Bruner, who is in attendance, asked to be removed from the Tree Board. In the future, Chairman would like the Boards to receive a letter in November asking them if they are interested in continuing to serve. This way, he would have time to come up with new recruits before the December meeting, where they can be formally named.
10. Chair appoints the standing committees. Parks & Pools, Electric Sewer & Water, Personnel Committee:
Pools, Parks, Streets, and Trees: Jeff Karber, Tom Pesek
Electric, Sewer, and Water: Steve Hummel, Randy Robeson
Personnel Committee: Jeff Karber, Randy Robeson
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to approve the appointed staff, committees, and Boards, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Robeson, Hummel, Karber, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
- Business:
a. Adopt Board Meeting and Posting Resolution.
Motion made by Trustee Vrbka to Adopt Board Meeting and Posting Resolution, seconded by Trustee Pesek.
Voting aye: Vrbka, Pesek, Karber, Hummel, and Robeson.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
b. Consider Retainer Agreement for Loren Lindahl as Village Attorney
The Retainer Fee remains the same as last year at $850.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to accept the Retainer Agreement with Loren Lindahl, seconded by Trustee Hummel.
Voting aye: Pesek, Hummel, Karber, Robeson, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
c. Board reviews and sets wages, salaries and compensations for the 2025 year. Consider Wage Ordinance #320 for Village positions.
Motion made by Trustee Pesek to Introduce Ordinance #320; setting wages for employees, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Pesek, Karber, Hummel, Robeson, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees is to set compensation of all employees and appointees by Ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend said rate of pay for the various positions of the Village of Brainard, Nebraska,
Section 1. That the findings here and above should be, and they are hereby made a part of this Ordinance, as fully as if set out at length herein.
Section 2. That the following shall be the wages and salaries for the specified officers, appointees, and employees of the Village of Brainard, Nebraska, to wit:
Utilities Superintendent Treasurer | $ 30.00 per hour. (Interim) $ 23.00 per hour |
Clerk General Maintenance 1 General Maintenance 2 Effective Date: ______ | $ 20.00 per hour. $ $ 13.00 per hour January 1, 2025 |
Section 3. That the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Brainard, Nebraska, and its Clerk, are hereby authorized and directed to implement this Ordinance.
Section 4. That should any section, paragraph, sentence or word of this Ordinance hereby adopted be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Brainard that it would have passed all other portions of this Ordinance independent of the elimination herefrom of any such portion as may be declared invalid.
Section 5. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances passed and approved prior to the passage, approval, and publication of this Ordinance, in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.
Section 6. That this Ordinance shall be published either by posting in three (3) public places in the Village of Brainard, Nebraska, or in pamphlet form and shall be effective on the fifteenth (15th) day from and after its passage and approval, provided it has been published, as aforenoted, within the first fifteen (15) days after its passage and approval.
Section 7. That it is the intention of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Brainard, Nebraska, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall not become or be made a part of the Municipal Code of the Village of Brainard, Nebraska.
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to accept the first reading and waive the 2nd and 3rd readings of Ordinance #320, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to Adopt Ordinance #320, seconded by Trustee Vrbka.
Voting aye: Robeson, Vrbka, Karber, Hummel, and Pesek.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried.
- Discussion follows on setting up some kind of Employee Pension Plan – which might have to be a 457B. It was decided to first discuss this with the Attorney and see what the requirements are for Municipalities, and then contact Moravec and Assoc., in David City and inquire on the costs to run this program.
- 11. Petitions, Communications, Correspondence
- Trustee Pesek reports on a visit he had with a resident at 308 N. Lincoln St. inquiring about an issue with their property. Trustee Pesek suggested the resident come to the next Board meeting and discuss it. The Board would like the Clerk to send a letter inviting him to come to the January 20, 2025 meeting.
- Trustee Vrbka reports on a zoning permit for 103 S. Madison St. It was decided the item should be put on the Agenda for the next meeting, where the Board can vote on whether to pursue an Ordinance for construction of physical building improvements in the Commercial Zone of the Village, affecting Right-of-Way.
12. Additional Business/Items for next meeting.
Consider creating an Ordinance for construction of physical improvements in Village Right-of-Way.
13. Adjournment
Motion made by Trustee Robeson to adjourn at 8:57 pm, seconded by Trustee Karber.
Voting aye: Robeson, Karber, Hummel, Pesek, and Vrbka.
Voting nay: none
The motion carried